How to export, import, and adjust field geometries in Sabanto's vehicle Mission Control (vMC) is explained.
As someone responsible for managing autonomous field operations, imagine you have a field geometry that you would like to have different versions of. Perhaps you'd like to split a single field into two pieces without having to re-record it.
The capability to export and re-import the various field geometries out of vMC is a way to make this happen.
When importing geometry that was recorded or generated by a third party system, you accept the risk of inaccurate geometry that may allow subsequent mission paths to intersect with obstacles in or around the working area.
Note: As of the writing of this article, vMC is compatible with .geojson data files, that are configured in linestring format. .geojson data files configured in polygon format are not compatible with vMC at this time.
Later in 2024, vMC will allow the upload of .shp and .kmz files. Details will be shared on this site when this is rolled out.
Image 1. Tapping on the geometry line will expose a pop-up box containing a button to export geometry
Image 2. Tapping on the "3-dot" button will expose a menu options for editing the field's client, farm and field names.
Image 3. After Tapping "Import Geometry," expand the dropdown to specify the type of geometry that will be imported (i.e. boundary, non-traversable hole, traversable hole, etc.)
Image 4. After specifying the type of geometry that will be imported, tap the "Upload a file" link. Afterwards, select the location and the .geojson file that shall be uploaded.