How to work missed corners of a field

Effectively mowing the corners of a field

Default behavior

When setting up a coverage plan, by default the system generates the coverage plan with concentric headlands. This moves all of the missed work to the outside corners of the field where it is easy to see and clean up manually.
There is a advanced parameter available to change this behavior if desired. However, the system is likely to leave strips of unworked area between each headland on the corners if the swath width for the coverage plan is not adjusted. 

Why shouldn't I always turn off concentric headlands? 

Turning off concentric headlands will result in missed worked area between each headland in the corners. The photos below shows the area that may be missed when concentric headlands turns are set to off or on. The missed areas are highlighted in red. 

use_concentric_headlands     true      (Default) use_concentric_headlands     false

How can I work the corners and cover all of the area? 

1.   Decrease the swath width in the coverage plan running non concentric headlands to overlap              the implement more when generating a mission. (Recommended)

      a.   Decreasing the swath width of the implement will allow more              overlap per pass. This will allow the system to cover any of the              unworked area between headlands when not running                             concentric headlands. 
      b.   You can run two coverage plans to maximize efficiency and                  prevent overlap in the straight passes.  

            i.   One plan with no overlap for the straight passes.

            ii.  One plan with large overlap for the non concentric headlands coverage plan.

You may need to adjust the amount of headlands you are running if you reduce the swath width of the implement. 


2.   Save two templates, one with concertic headlands, one without concentric headlands. 

       a.   Running two templates can help reduce any missed work in the corners, and prevent the                     need for overlap in the coverage plan. However, in fields with very sharp corners, a small                     strip of area may still be unworked. 
       b.   This method is more efficient when running fewer headland passes, or when working wider                 corners. 

       c.   This method is not recommended as the first choice to address this issue, as it is easy to                      leave worked area behind. However, if the non concentric headland template has a large                    overlap you can reduce risk of strips of worked area being missed. 

How do I turn off concentric headlands?

  1. When generating the coverage plan, navigate to the Advanced Parameters section. 
  2. Enter 'use_concentric_headlands' for the key box
  3. Enter 'false' for the value box