- First, remove hardline tank drain between the mid mount hydraulic valve and the tank filter.
- Insert T-fitting to the tank filter where the hardline was removed. Add 90 degree fitting off of the T fitting.
- Single Brown Hose - Connect T-fitting at tank filter to the T port on the mid mount hydraulic valve, replacing the removed hardline.
- Single Pink Hose - Connect 90 degree fitting at the tank filter to the other T-fitting going to the T port on Sabanto’s rear remote valve.
- Locate the connection point of the pressure line on the inside of the frame, gray and green hardlines. The line goes between the mid mount hydraulic valve and the tractor’s rear remote stack. Disconnect the lines. Inert 90 degree fittings to both disconnected lines and add a union to the 90 on the gray hardline 90.
- Single Gray Hose - Connect the P port on Sabanto’s rear remote valve to the green hardline previously disconnected going to the back of the tractor.
- Single Black Hose - Connect the N port of Sabanto’s rear remote valve to the gray hardline previously disconnected going up to the P port on the tractor’s mid mount hydraulic valve.